Panhard AML-S530 ЗСУ Франции

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7 лайков

Designed as a self-propelled anti-aircraft weapon, the AML S530 was developed solely for export and is operated by the Venezuelan Army. It carries twin M621 20 mm autocannon, with 600 stored rounds. The autocannons have an elevation of +70° and a depression of −10°. Ranging is optical and carried out by a roof-mounted periscopic sight very similar to that installed on the AML HE 60-7. The sight has been modified for anti-aircraft purposes and has a vertical field of view of 20°. It has a sun filter, a collimator with an adjustable illumination feature for night firing, an adjustable display lead for tracking fast or slow moving targets and aircraft either flying horizontally or diving, and automatic fire range estimation effective up to 1.3 km. More specialised anti-aircraft sights, as well as sights designed solely for engaging ground targets, could also be installed when necessary. Both 20 mm guns are equipped with an ammunition feed mechanism storing 260 rounds each. They can fired either on semi-automatic, fully automatic, or in short bursts, with a cyclic rate of fire of 750 rounds per minute per barrel. One barrel may also be selected at a time. The ammunition feed is housed in the turret’s elevating module, and fed from an ammunition bin in the turret basket. The 20 mm armour-piercing round possesses a muzzle velocity of 1,000 m/s and will penetrate 23 mm of armour at an incidence of 0°. The high explosive and incendiary rounds have a muzzle velocity of 1,026 m/s.

An AML S530 prototype was first showcased at Satory in 1971 and twelve were immediately ordered by Venezuela. They were produced and delivered by 1973, but no further export sales followed. A smaller, more rounded variant of the same S530 turret with improved sights was later mounted on an ERC 90 Sagaie chassis for a Gabonese military requirement.

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Больше танков Франции для Великой Франции !
Я За !

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Я нашёл +100500 разных AML, надо?

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Ну хотябы посмотреть будет интересно, + лучшие и няшные варианты потом можно будет зделать тему об их добавлении

А давай )

Уже предлагал в теме про зенитки Panhard ERC20 Kriss с теми же пушками, но корпус вроде получше

Тема про зенитки

Зенитки для Франции рангов 4 и 5 (часть 2)


пусть улитки реализуют баллистический автомат упреждения для безрадарных РЛС (там где они были)
на глаз долбить такая себе эффективность

1 лайк

максимально примитивные ставили даж на дшк и счетверенные максимы
чуть более продвинутое на всяких флак38 было
к более тяжелым типа бофорсов был прицеп с аналоговым механическим компьютером


Тему делаю, макс. большую завтра или сегодня увидишь

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Можешь ещё попросить артура, он может скинуть

Более интересный вопрос - кто такой Артур?
