а dev stable это что?
Версия клиента
@Columbus_13 пни пожалуйста улитку, пусть поднимет скорость хорни.
На высоте в 4.5км он должен упираться в ограничение в 1700км/ч при любой загрузке УРВВ. У нас же в игре, он с трудом достигает 1500км/ч на самом легком заргузе.
Через репортную.
Так ты можешь топлива зальешь, вместо полета с отрицательным углом атаки?
Я могу апеллировать на индекс документа?
Можете попробовать. Но через репортную.
В крайнем случае через КБР-а попробовать стоит.
В общем теперь разница между ПФАРом и АФАРом есть - у АФАРа больше зона электронного сканирования, следовательно и зона, где цели досканиваются →
New vehicles:
- Harrier T. Mk. 10 [GBR]:
- Tier VII
- BR: 11.3 / (11.3 / 11.7) / (11.3 / 11.7)
- hidden unless the player owns it (all platforms)
- event or pack premium
- repair cost: 2245 / 5627 / 7751 SL
- two-seater Harrier G.R. Mk. 7 without AIM-9M or BOL, currently
- Type 74 TK (C) “red_star” [JPN]:
- Tier V
- BR: 8.3
- event or pack premium
- repair cost: 2760 / 3013 / 3972 SL
- copy-paste Type 74 TK (C) with vismod
- new gameplay parameters: (IR and optical brightness of ordnance are now affected by their actual speed)
- weapon airframe infrared brightness multiplier: 400
- weapon airframe optical brightness multiplier: 400
- weapon airframe infrared temperature to brightness power ratio: 10
- use Mach temperature for rockets": true
Aircraft FM changes: (by prae)
J-11, J11A, J-11B: fixed bug with throttle being forced to 90% max when using maneuver mode
- wing adjustments:
- wing moment arm AoA shift at 10 degrees changed from -0.02 to -0.012
- will mean less pitch moment from 0-10 degrees until 50 degrees angle of attack, leading to slightly less sharp pitching in that region
- wing, 0% flap deployment:
- critical angle of attack changed from 30 to 32 degrees
- coefficient of lift at critical angle, high changed from 1.35 to 1.41
- will mean increased lift coefficient at peak of the range at 32 degrees, increasing lift in general from ~15 degrees AoA to ~42 degrees (coefficient of lift comparison), however also leading to increased drag past 31 degrees AoA (coefficient of drag comparison)
- wing moment arm AoA shift at 10 degrees changed from -0.02 to -0.012
- wing adjustments:
- wing, 100% flap deployment:
- critical angle of attack changed from 29 to 30 degrees
- coefficient of lift at critical angle, high changed from 1.5 to 1.57
- will mean increased lift coefficient at peak of the range at 30 degrees, increasing lift in general from ~10 degrees AoA to ~42 degrees (coefficient of lift comparison), however also leading to increased drag past 20 degrees AoA (coefficient of drag comparison)
- wing, 100% flap deployment:
- ailerons can now deflect for pitch for 5 degrees from below 700 km/h IAS, reaching full deflection at and below 500 km/h IAS
- thrust vectoring adjustments:
- aileron and elevator inputs deflect less at and after 950 km/h IAS, from [3, -3] degrees to [1, -1] degrees
- aileron, elevator and rudder inputs will now fully deflect for their respective input at and below 550 km/h IAS instead of 600 km/h IAS
- using ailerons will now redirect -2% of thrust to that control axis
- using pitch will now redirect -3% of thrust to that control axis
- using rudder will no longer redirect 6% thrust to right side yaw axis at and below 600 km/h IAS, but will still do it to the left? lol
- empty mass increased from 18400 to 18830 kg
- max fuel mass decreased from 9600 to 9400 kg
- instructor critical multiplier increased from [0.8, 0.8] to [0.85, 0.85], raising max instructor AoA from 24 to 25.5 degrees
- pitch controller pitch rate max at and below 300 km/h decreased from [80, -80] to [70, -70] deg/s
- mouse aim controller pitch rate max decreased from 90 to 60 deg/s
- will lead to slightly more sluggish feel
Aircraft DM changes:
- A-10C, F-2000A, Harrier G.R. Mk. 7, Rafale C, Typhoon F.G.R. Mk. 4: added sensor fusion
- F-18, F/A-18A, F/A-18C (early): HUD changed
- F/A-18C (late):
- HUD changed
- TGP thermal: 500x300 → 800x600
- Mi-24A: gun and rocket CCIP removed
- Su-30SM: TGP vertical limits: -154° / 34° → -170° / 10°
Aircraft weapon changes:
- F-15I Ra’am: custom loadout changes: slots 2, 12 changed: option changed: 1x 2000 lbs GBU-15(V)2/B: drop speed limit: Mach 1.01 → 1.4
- F-16A-10 Netz (Squadron 115):
- removed loadout(s): 6x AIM-9P
- custom loadout changes:
- slots 1, 9 changed: removed 1x AIM-9P (stock) option
- slots 2, 3, 7, 8 changed: removed 1x AIM-9P option
- F-18C: countermeasures:
- 60x Split regular countermeasures → 120x Split regular countermeasures
- now drop single-file
- F/A-18A, F/A-18C (early): countermeasures: now drop single-file
- F/A-18C (late):
- countermeasures:
- 60x Split regular countermeasures → 120x Split regular countermeasures
- now drop single-file
- loadout changes: 4x 2000 lbs GBU-24/B + 1x LITENING II → 4x 2000 lbs GBU-24E/B + 1x LITENI NG II
- custom loadout changes: slots 2, 3, 7, 8 changed: option changed: 1x 2000 lbs GBU-24/B → 1x 2000 lbs GBU-24E/B
- countermeasures:
- SB (M-103), SB (M-103) (MV-3), SB (M-103U), SB (M-103U) (MV-3), SB (M-105), SB-3 [CHN]: custom loadout changes: max load: 1530 → 1600 kg
- Tigre HAD/E B1:
- new loadout(s): 52x Hydra 70 (M247) (stock)
- custom loadout changes:
- slots 1, 4 changed: added 7x Hydra 70 (M247) (stock) option
- slots 2, 3 changed: added 19x Hydra 70 (M247) (stock) option
Sensor changes:
- AN/AAR-47A(V)2 (A-10C, AH-1W, AH-1W [CHN]), DDM 2000 (M-2000-5 [CHN], Mirage 2000 C S5, Mirage 2000 D R1, Mirage 2000 D RMV, Mirage 2000-5 F), Praetorian DASS (Eurofighter [DEU], F-2000A, Typhoon F.G.R. Mk. 4, S740 (J-11A, J-11B), Thales SPECTRA DDM-NG (Rafale C): new line: minimum target closure rate: 200 m/s
- ARI 23348/1 (Harrier G.R. Mk. 7, Harrier T. Mk. 10):
- IR → radar
- range: 3.5 → 12 km
- added rangefinder with a range of 10 km
- minimum closure rate: 0 → 100 m/s
- new line: minimum target closure rate: 200 m/s
Ground changes:
- XM246:
- max speed: 47.67 → 48.18 km/h
- max reverse speed: -11.27 → -11.39 km/h
- camera position changed
- Clovis [DEU], Clovis [FRA]:
- 105 mm cannon vertical limits:
- between horizontal -180° and -140°: -5° / 11° → -5° / 12°
- between horizontal -140° and 140°: -6° / 11° → -8° / 12°
- between horizontal 140° and 180°: -5° / 11° → -5° / 12°
- 20 mm cannon:
- ammo: 500 → 400
- magazine size: 500 → 400
- rate of fire: 740 → 700 rpm
- bug due to which the autoloader wasn’t disabled when the loading system was, fixed
- 105 mm cannon vertical limits:
- Panther II: disabling the NVD modification didn’t actually hide it, fixed
- 2S19M1, 2S19M2: armour profile completely reworked
- Chi Ri: hull roof: 12 → 20 mm
- VT5:
- cannon: 125 mm Type 88C → 105 mm ZPL151A
- empty mass: 42300 → 31800 kg
- fuel mass: 500 → 1200 kg
- full mass: 42800 → 33000 kg
- horsepower: 800 → 884
- added one more forwards and reverse gears
- max speed: 59.07 → 71.3 km/h
- max reverse speed: -5.88 → -33.16 km/h
- zoom: 6x / 11x → 3x / 20x
- smoke grenades: 8 → 12
Naval changes:
- Schütze (M 1062): centre of gravity moved
- Warspite (03):
- added another radio station
- 40 and 20 mm ammo storage split into four parts
- crew reorganised
- Grecale:
- added the funnel and the superstructure behind it to the DM as 4 mm structural steel
- rear 120 mm turret: vertical limits: between horizontal -158° and -145°: -6° / 42° → -4° / 42°
Aircraft gun changes:
20 mm M61A1 (F-15A, F-15A Baz, F-15C, F-15C Baz Mshupar, F-16AM-15, F-16C-40 Barak II, F-16C-50, F-16D-40 Barak II, F-18C, F/A-18A, F/A-18C (early), F/A-18C (late) only): mass: 500 → 368 kg
Missile changes: -
R-77-1: added max launch angles: 180° horizontal / 90° vertical
- item recycling: now available for everyone
Statcard changes:
- VT5: flag: PRC → Bangladesh
- Schütze (M 1062): flag: WW2 Germany → modern Germany
Economy changes:
F-16A-10 Netz (Squadron 115):
- number of modifications needed to unlock Tier 3: 1 → 2
- number of modifications needed to unlock Tier 4: 3 → 2
- modification changes:
- removed AIM-9P modification
- AIM-9L:
- removed modification requirement: AIM-9P
- Tier: 3 → 1
- Python 3: Tier: 4 → 2
XM246: modification changes:
- removed DM 23 APDS
- removed DM 23 APDS (modification) modification
- DM 11 A1 HEI-T / DM 11 A1 HEI-T / DM 11 A1 HEI-T / DM 13 API-T (modification): GE cost: 210 → 200
- Horizontal Drive: GE cost: 210 → 200
- Tracks: GE cost: 210 → 200
- Improved Parts: GE cost: 210 → 200
- DM 13 API-T / DM 13 API-T / DM 13 API-T / DM 11 A1 HEI-T (modification): GE cost: 190 → 180
- Improved FPE: GE cost: 190 → 180
- Brake System: GE cost: 190 → 180
- Suspension: GE cost: 190 → 180
- Adjustment of Fire: GE cost: 190 → 180
- Filters: GE cost: 360 → 330
- Elevation Mechanism: GE cost: 360 → 330
- Crew Replenishment: GE cost: 360 → 330
- Artillery Support:
- RP cost: 7900 → 9800
- SL cost: 13000 → 16000
- GE cost: 280 → 330
- Engine:
- RP cost: 7900 → 9800
- SL cost: 13000 → 16000
- GE cost: 280 → 330
- Transmission:
- RP cost: 7900 → 9800
- SL cost: 13000 → 16000
- GE cost: 280 → 330
- Smoke grenade:
- RP cost: 7900 → 9800
- SL cost: 13000 → 16000
- GE cost: 280 → 330
Clovis [DEU], Clovis [FRA]: modification changes:
- added Laser rangefinder as Tier IV modification
- Improved optics: Tier: 4 → 3
Ariete (20° Corso) “Certezza”: modification changes:
- added camouflage_net_certezza as Tier III modification
- added certezza_protection_improvement as Tier IV modification
- removed Camouflage net modification
- Smoke grenade:
- added category: Protection
- Tier: 3 → 4
- new bomb targets, presumably for the strategic bombing game mode: administrative building, chimney, cooling tower, factory building, factory structure, oil storage
- Afghanistan: clouds made thinner and moved up
New texts:
- new control texts:
- “Sight mode: AAMs”
- “Switch tactical map to UAV camera”
- new HUD texts:
- “PL8”
- “PL12”
- “1500М-54”
- “AGM65E”
- new vehicle texts:
- “Harrier T.10”
- “VT-5”
- “Tiger HAD/Tiger HAC”
- “Tornado IDS”
- new radar text: “TWS ESA”
- new weapon text: “105 mm ZPL151A cannon”
Text changes:
tutorial text changes:
- “There are a few indicators on the screen, including a cursor showing the firing direction. In Realistic Battles there will be a green marker on water surface showing the approximate point of shell impact.” → “There is a cursor on the screen showing the firing direction. In Realistic Battles, there is also a green marker on the water surface showing the approximate point of shell impact.”
- “In Realistic Battles here will be the green marker on water surface showing the approximate point of shell impact.” → “In Realistic Battles, a green marker is located on the water surface, showing the approximate point of shell impact.”
vehicle text changes:
- “VBM Freccia C/C” → “Freccia” (whyyyyyyyyyy)
- “▄Tiger HAD” → “▄Tigre HAD-E”
- “▄Tornado IDS (RET.8)” → “▄Tornado IDS MLU (RET.8)”
modification text changes:
- “Allows use of smoke screen system.” → “Allows the use of smoke screen system.”
- “Allows use of night vision devices.” → “Allows the use of night vision devices.”
- “Allows use of shell %s.” → “Allows the use of shell %s.”
- “Allows use of belts %s.” → “Allows the use of belts %s.”
weapon text changes: “152 mm 2A65M2 cannon” → “152 mm 2A64M2 cannon”
New images:
- new tech-tree images:
- new premium account images:
Фантом оформлял
Опять какой-то странный F-2
И так не нравится, и то не нравится…
Вспомнил, видел
А между пфаром как на су-34 и афаром?
Вот моя работа:
- Су-25Т, Су-39 — для бомб на точках подвески 2, 3, 9 и 10 убран раздельный сброс бомб. Источник: «Комплекс авиационного вооружения Су-25Т и его боевое применение».
Ракет тут больше не упоминается
У афара скорость скана ниже, хы-хы
Не, если без шуток, то мне нравится
Именно в вопросе того, что Японии нужно больше премов, чтобы в ветку банально донатили. Ибо такой прикол, что из всех премов (которых самих по себе мало) нормальный только Type 90.
А тут будет Тип 74 на 8.3, который как по мне лучше из остальных Тип 74. Я бы даже еще добавлял бы премы и на ранги ниже, но хотелось бы чтобы машины были более уникальными ибо там это возможно.
Мне не нравится только одно - то что это собирательный образ (если верить тому что написал москвич). Хотелось бы именно реальную версию танка с фото получить. И не одному мне это не нравится
И чем он будет отличаться от того что уже есть на 8.3?