Слухи и предположения обновления "Танец драконов"

… С радаром хуже чем у су27см, с СПО хуже чем у су27см, с меньшим количеством ракет чем у су27см, без высокоточки что есть у су27см

Тогда НАХЕРА его добавляли, если они могли сразу добавить этот новый самолет? Не задумывался над этим?

Китай сдерживают, чтобы он не имбовал

1 лайк

Его было легче сделать. Полуклон

1 лайк



Ха-ха, сдерживают. Тот самый Ж-10, который летает со звуком движка гриппена, с двигателем от ф15/16, радаром на 170 градусов

Хороший ответ на самом деле, но это и показывает то о чем я говорю - они могли не давать Китаю копию Су-27, сказать что у них есть планы на ввод J-10, но они добавили.

      • Linear lift coefficient Mach multiplier adjustments:
      • Mach number of coefficient max from 1.05 to 1.2
      • Coefficient max value from -1.8 to -0.4
      • Multiplier absolute limit from 0.5 to 0.0
        • Now linear lift coefficient will gradually increase from M0.88 until reaching a peak atM1.17, before declining beyond base linear Cl at M1.7, continuing on to decline beyond M2 ( Before and After )
    • Aerodynamic centre offset Mach multiplier adjustments:
      • Critical Mach number from 0.01 to 0.0
      • Coefficient max value from 1.5 to -5.5
      • Multiplier linear coefficient from -15.0 to 0.0
      • Multiplier absolute limit from 0.0 to 10.0
        • Now aerodynamic centre offset will begin decreasing from M0 until M0.15, then remaining at -5.5 ( Before and After )
    • Combined Cl enabled
      • Enables slightly more complex linear Cl Mach multiplier curve calculation
    • Critical angle, high increased from 23 to 27 degrees
    • Critical angle, low decreased from -23 to -27 degrees
      • More available AoA until stalling at either positive or negative angle
    • Lift coefficient at critical angle, high increased from 0.7 to 1.1
    • Lift coefficient at critical angle, low decreased from -0.7 to -1.1
      • More lift until stalling at positive angle, less lift until stalling in negative angle
    • Zero-lift drag coefficient decreased from 0.0076 to 0.007
    • Yawing angles increased from [25, 25] to [30, 30]
    • Sensitivity increased from 0.25 to 0.3
      • Increased available yawing range, slightly increased rudder effectiveness
  • Gear destruction speed decreased from 577 km/h IAS to 485 km/h IAS

  • Flap destruction speed at 33% deployment increased from 525 km/h IAS to 556 km/h IAS

  • F-3D-1: added flap speed deployment limits: 100% deployment up until 316 km/h IAS to 0% deployment at 460+ km/h IAS

  • F-16A-10, F-16A-10 Netz, F-16A-15 [FRA], F-16A-15ADF, F-16A-15ADF [ITA], F-16A-20 [CHN], F-16AM-15, F-16AJ: shifted around internal fuel tank capacities, overall max capacity remains the same

  • F-16C-50:

    • Shifted around internal fuel tank capacities, overall max capacity remains the same
    • Increased empty mass from 8950 kg to 9031 kg
  • F-16D-40 Barak II: decreased max internal fuel capacity from 6335 l to 5936 l

  • Added new F-16C-40 Barak II FM, performance-wise essentially identical to F-16D-40 Barak II

  • F-47N-15, F-47N-25 [CHN], P-47D [DEU], P-47D-16, P-47D-16 [DEU], P-47D-22, P-47D-22 [FRA], P-47D-23 [CHN], P-47D-23 [DEU], P-47D-25, P-47D-27 [USSR], P-47D-28, P-47D-30 [CHN], P-47D-30 [ITA], P-47M-1 (Bostwick’s), P-47M-1 (Lanowski’s): added flap speed deployment limits: 100% deployment up until 300 km/h IAS to 0% deployment at 490+ km/h IAS

  • F-104A, F-104A [CHN], F-104C, F-104G [CHN], F-104G [DEU], F-104G [FRA], F-104J, F-104S/ASA, F-104S/CB (TUR), F-104S/CI:

    • Wing:
      • Arm lateral coordinate from 1.6 to 1.5
      • Oswald’s efficiency number from 0.72 to 0.47
      • Induced drag Mach multiplier linear coefficient from -0.1 to -0.2
        • Induced drag will begin decreasing more sharply after M1.02
      • Wing strength decreased from 16.81/-6.61 G to 11.11/-5.4 G
        • Overall massive induced drag increase, turn rate and turning ability in general massively decreased
    • Vertical stabiliser arm vertical coordinate from 0.8 to 0.5
      • Slightly less yawing force
    • Added new elevator pitch angle multipliers for 1000 m, 6000 m, 10000 m
  • F-104G [ITA]:

    • Wing:
      • Arm lateral coordinate from 1.6 to 1.5
      • Oswald’s efficiency number from 0.72 to 0.47
      • Induced drag Mach multiplier linear coefficient from -0.1 to -0.2
        • Induced drag will begin decreasing more sharply after M1.02
      • Wing strength decreased from 16.81/-6.61 G to 11.11/-5.4 G
        • Overall massive induced drag increase, turn rate and turning ability massively decreased
    • Vertical stabiliser arm vertical coordinate from 0.8 to 0.5
      • Slightly less yawing force
    • Added new elevator pitch angle multipliers for 1000 m, 6000 m, 10000 m
    • Increased base thrust (before calculation) value from 4300 to 4490 kgf
    • Decreased 110% throttle thrust multiplier from 1.4 to 1.36
    • Empty mass increased from 6357 kg to 6427 kg
      • FM is now identical to all other F-104G variants
  • Added new F-111C and F-111F FMs. F-111C has overall better turning performance, F-111F has better overall engine performance.

  • Fw 200 C-1:

    • Added flap speed deployment limits: 100% deployment up until 180 km/h IAS to 0% deployment at 360+ km/h IAS
    • Added one use of FPE
  • G.50 II, G.50 II [DEU], G.50 AS VII, G.50 AS VII [DEU], G.55 0, G.55 I, G.55 S, G.56: added flap speed deployment limits: 100% deployment up until 200 km/h IAS to 0% deployment at 250+ km/h IAS

  • Hunter F. Mk. 1, Hunter F. Mk. 6, Hunter F. Mk. 6 [FRA], Hunter F. Mk. 9, Hunter F.G.A. Mk. 9, Hunter Mk. 58A:

    • Added flap speed deployment limits: 100% deployment up until 463 km/h IAS to 5% deployment at 592+ km/h IAS
    • Flap destruction speed at 10% deployment from 620.4 km/h IAS to 648 km/h IAS
  • J-8B: decreased max internal fuel capacity from 7046l to 6750 l

  • Ju 88 A-1, Ju 88 A-4, Ju 88 A-4 [SWE], Ju 88 C-6:

    • Updated FM format
    • Added flap speed deployment limits: 100% deployment up until 260 km/h IAS to 0% deployment at 320+ km/h IAS
  • Ju 188 A-2:

    • Updated FM format
    • Added flap speed deployment limits: 100% deployment up until 290 km/h IAS to 0% deployment at 340+ km/h IAS
  • Myrsky II: FM format updated, added one use of FPE

  • Mystère IV A, Mystère IV A [ISR]:

    • Flap angle reduced from 60 degrees to 45 degrees
    • Removed combat flaps position
    • Increased wing, 0% flap deployment Oswald’s efficiency coefficient from 0.74 to 0.76
    • Thrust increased by ~70-100 kgf at 0 m, 800-1200 km/h TAS, 5000 m 800-1400 km/h TAS, 10000 m 800-1400 km/h TAS
  • Me 262 A-1a, Me 262 A-1a/R6, Me 262 A-1a/U1, Me 262 A-1a/U4, Me 262 A-1b, Me 262 C-1a, Me 262 C-2b: added flap speed deployment limits: 100% deployment up until 370 km/h IAS to 5% deployment at 600+ km/h IAS

  • P-61C-1:

    • Reworked engines, increased WEP boost. Still don’t have a way to properly analyse these yet, sorry!
    • Removed all 5 FPE uses
  • P4Y-2 [CHN], PB4Y-2 [FRA]:

    • Updated FM format
    • Now identical to PB4Y-2 FM
  • PB4Y-2:

    • Added flap speed deployment limits: 100% deployment up until 250 km/h IAS to 0% deployment at 300+ km/h IAS
    • Removed FPE
  • Ro.57bis:

    • Updated FM format
    • Added flap speed deployment limits: 100% deployment up until 200 km/h IAS to 0% deployment at 250+ km/h IAS
  • Saab 105G, Saab 105Ö: added full realistic controls yaw damping SAS mode

  • Swift F. Mk. 1, Swift F. Mk. 7:

    • Added flap speed deployment limits: 100% deployment up until 463 km/h IAS to 33% deployment at 740+ km/h IAS
    • Aerodynamic centre shift from flap deployment lowered from 0.06 to 0.02
      • Slightly lower impact of flap deployment on turning performance
    • Rip speed increased from M0.99 to M1.05
  • Tornado F. Mk. 3, Tornado F. Mk. 3 [ITA], Tornado F. Mk. 3 (AOP):

    • Added flap speed deployment limits: 100% deployment up until 400 km/h IAS to 20% deployment at 450+ km/h IAS
    • Automatic wing sweep adjustments:
      • Will now sweep to 47.6% at M0.73
      • Will now sweep from M0.73, 47.6% to 49% at M0.92
      • Will now sweep from M0.92, 49% to 100% at M0.95
    • Wing, 0% sweep:
      • Increased flap polar blending at 20% flap deployment
        • Higher interpolation at 20% flap deployment between 0% deployment and 40% deployment polars
      • 0% flap deployment:
        • Oswald’s efficiency number from 0.65 to 0.34
        • Linear lift coefficient increased from 0.078 to 0.092
          • Increased induced drag, very slightly increases total lift up until critical AoA
        • Zero-lift drag coefficient Mach multiplier curve adjustments:
          • Critical Mach number from 0.78 to 0.74
          • Mach number of coefficient max from 0.96 to 0.92
          • Coefficient max value from 7.5 to 10.5
          • Multiplier linear coefficient from 1.0 to 0.1
          • Multiplier absolute limit from 7.2 to 10.2
            • Now the zero-lift drag coefficient will rapidly increase much more until M0.92, then slightly dropping. Maintains the same general shape as before, just with a higher impact. ( Before and After )
        • Lift coefficient at critical angle Mach multiplier curve adjustments:
          • Critical Mach number from 0.7 to 0.4
          • Mach number of coefficient max from 1.0 to 0.9
          • Coefficient max value from 0.65 to 0.95
          • Multiplier linear coefficient from -0.15 to -0.05
  • Now light coefficient at either critical angle will begin increasing from M0.3, peaking at M0.53 before descending until M0.9, then gradually decreasing slower ( High: Before and After Low: Before and After )
    - Critical angle Mach multiplier curve adjustments:
    - Critical Mach number from 0.7 to 0.5
    - Multiplier linear coefficient from -0.3 to -0.1
    - Now the high and low critical angle will begin decreasing from M0.5 until M0.9, then gradually decreasing slower. Maintains the same general shape as before, just begins at a lower Mach number ( High: Before and After Low: Before and After )
    - Induced drag Mach multiplier curve adjustments:
    - Critical Mach number from 0.78 to 0.35
    - Mach number of coefficient max from 1.1 to 0.7
    - Coefficient max value from 1.5 to 0.85
    - Induced coefficient will now begin decreasing from M0.35 until M0.7, then gradually increasing afterwards ( Before and After )
    - Critical angle, high decreased from 21.5 to 20.5 degrees
    - Less available AoA, will stall quicker

    • Added new intermediary polar for 40% flap deployment
    • 100% flap deployment:
      • Oswald’s efficiency number from 0.65 to 0.44
      • Linear lift coefficient increased from 0.078 to 0.092
        • Increased induced drag, very slightly increases total lift up until critical AoA
      • Lift coefficient after critical angle, low decreased from -0.5 to -0.8
        • Less lift after stall

Где был ж10 на момент выхода гриппена и су27? Где китайские ЗРК вместо тора? Где китайская легкая техника, кд-88, зенитки с ту-90? У всего этого давно есть аналоги, а не вводят. Дабы Китай не имбовал

2 лайка

В спойлер, пж.

Не умею.

Шестиренку нажми

Выдели, шестереночку нажми и там Спойлер

умеет он всё
придуривается просто

У меня на телефоне меню выделения заграждает меню форума в редакторе сообщений

1 лайк

А смысл, если он сейчас и так хорош? Это вон на Амеров посмотри. Им самолеты как из рога изобилия отсыпают - лишь бы комьюнити не плакало.

Там дальше ещё ДР Улитки. Знаковые крафты для него придерживают.

Крафты? Не совсем понял.

китай? особенно в танках)
ухудшенная версия советов, которые и так не сахар