Или боятся, что ца не сможет в новые режимы)
Да ну, странно было бы если бы боялись…
У них есть возможность делить онлайн на миллиард режимов и сделать кнопочку “Хочу сложные режимы” из-за которой как в ночные тебя может кидать как на захват 1-2-3 точки, так и на нормальный режим - не составило бы труда…
Кому надо - оставили бы себе киберкотлетный режим захват 3 точки.
Кому надо - нажали бы галочку и играли бы во все режимы вообще)
Как же они боятся выдавать штурмовикам ракеты с ПЗ, мдааа
в пве режиме можно играть на постоянной основе и качать технику в игре про прокачку?
технически - да? Но они унылы и по сути пусты. Ты сойдёшь с ума уже в третий раз как зайдёшь.
На это есть основание. Когда они из ТРБ в своё время убрали маркера, 70% онлайна свалило из игры. Видимо после этого они боятся вводить что-то новое.
да неужели, там прокачка идет с такой же скоростью на танках и нет лимита на 3 боя в день?
Ну тогда это полный треш.
Т.е. у игры есть огромнейший потенциал, огромное количество техники разнообразной, разрабы могут и делают первоапрельские ивенты, новые механики, всё такое.
Но этот потенциал реализовать в нормальную и адекватную игру не могут потому что ЦА привыкло кататься на одни и те же 3 кружочка раз за разом…
Был бы я разрабом - впал бы в депрессию)
Откуда инфа?
Что поделать, это же во многом ретрограды. У картохи всё абсолютно также.
И всё это рушится об древний движок, из-за которого у нас куча багов, которые пофиксить не могут из-за проблем с кодом…
ого бритам еще и самолет дали национальный да еще и для трб, вот это искушение купить его вне скидки для челенджера… но я выдержу))
Я бы играл и с багами))) Будь в игре игра…
Сейчас каждый раз заканчиваю игровую сессию на аль+ф4…
Даже хз что в следующей обнове порадует. Там ничего нет интересного… Всё будет то же самое… эх.
Не знаю кидал ли кто-то → Part 1
BR changes:
- Air RB: F/A-18A: 12.7 → 12.3 Tech-tree changes:
- J-11A: located after the J-11 → located after the J-11 (in a folder with it)
- J-11B: located after the J-11A → located after the J-11 / J-11A folder Miscellaneous:
- Colorado (BB-45): max field repair time: 233 → 107 sec
- gameplay parameter changes:
- weapon airframe IR brightness multiplier: 400 → 750
- weapon airframe optical brightness multiplier: 400 → 3000
- weapon airframe IR temperature to brightness power ratio: 10 → 8.5 Aircraft FM changes: (by prae)
- Eurofighter [DEU], F-2000A, Typhoon F.G.R. Mk. 4:
- added maneuverability mode
- will begin working from below 720-700 km/h IAS or M0.51-M0.5
- wing adjustments:
- made much more prone to wing stalls when at high AoA (loss of Cl in a spin 0.03 → 0.2, loss of Cd in a spin 0.07 → 0.08)
- moment arm shifts by AoA adjusted:
- will now be shifted further in at 0 degrees AoA (0.015->0.02), reducing pitching moment close to 0 degrees AoA
- 10 degrees AoA shift changed to 15 degrees AoA, will just extend it out a bit with the same moment arm shift at that point as it was at 10 degrees AoA previously
- 25 degrees AoA shift changed to 35 degrees AoA and adjusted to instead shift in versus shift out (-0.01 → 0.12), reducing pitching moment past 15 degrees AoA
- added maneuverability mode
- [16:06]
- wing, 0% flap deployment:
- induced drag Mach multiplier curve linear coefficient increased from 0.2 to 0.4
- will mean slightly reduced induced drag from M0.25 to M0.65, but increased past M0.65, increasing and decreasing retention and sustained turn rates in those respective regions (comparison)
- moment arm will now shift slightly in from M0.3 ([0, 0] → [0, 0.01]), continuing as normal from M0.6 as previously, very slightly reducing pitching moment
- induced drag Mach multiplier curve linear coefficient increased from 0.2 to 0.4
- wing, 100% flap deployment:
- induced drag Mach multiplier curve linear coefficient increased from 0.2 to 0.4
- will mean slightly reduced induced drag from M0.25 to M0.65, but increased past M0.65, increasing and decreasing retention and sustained turn rates in those respective regions (comparison)
- moment arm will now shift slightly in from M0.3 ([0, 0] → [0, 0.005]), continuing as normal from M0.6 as previously, very slightly reducing pitching moment
- induced drag Mach multiplier curve linear coefficient increased from 0.2 to 0.4
- wing positive overload strength reduced by 1 G ([-6.88 G / 13.93 G] → [-6.88 G / 12.97 G])
- note that this is a bit off at speed as the canard can contribute lift in a turn, increasing the G force past what only the wing can generate
- wing, 0% flap deployment:
- elevator angles controller adjustments:
- will overall deflect less from 1000+ km/h at 10000 m
- will overall deflect less from 400+ km/h at 6000 m
- will overall deflect less from 700+ km/h at and below 2000 m
- decreased sensitivity multiplier at M0.2, reducing pitch moment and surface effectiveness (1.39 → 1.1)
- will be the same past M0.3, only really reducing how sharply it pitches from static until M0.2
- F-15A, F-15A Baz, F-15C Baz Meshupar, F-15C, F-15E, F-15I Ra’am:
- added maneuverability mode
- will begin working from below 720-700 km/h IAS or M0.51-M0.5
- wing adjustments:
- made much more prone to wing stalling (loss of Cl in a spin 0.03 → 0.23)
- wing moment arm shifts slightly further out at and past 10 degrees AoA (-0.06 → -0.1), increasing pitching moment
- F-15J, F-15J(M):
- same as above except it’s not more prone to wing stalling lol
- F/A–18A, F/A-18C (early), F-18C, F/A-18C (late):
- wing adjustments:
- made much more prone to wing stalling (loss of Cl in a spin 0.04 → 0.12)
- wing moment arm shifts slightly further out at and past 35 degrees AoA (-0.06 → -0.08), increasing pitching moment
- wing adjustments:
- Harrier T. Mk. 10:
- no longer copy paste Gr.7 FM, performance relevant differences from that:
- crew: 1 → 2 (+90 kg as each crew member is 90 kg)
- wing, 0% flap deployment zero-lift drag coefficient changed from 0.0085 to 0.0095
- fuselage area increased from 17.29 to 21.29 and zero-lift drag coefficient increased from 0.0095 to 0.0099
- max thrust, before calculation increased from 9198 to 10024 kgf, leading to about 900 kgf more thrust in general
- empty mass increased from 5705 kg to 6627 kg
- J-10A:
- wing adjustments:
- made slightly more prone to wing stalls when at high AoA (loss of Cl in a spin 0.01 → 0.03, loss of Cd in a spin 0.01 → 0.04)
- moment arm shifts by AoA adjusted:
- will now be shifted slightly farther out at 5 degrees AoA (0.01->0.005), slightly increasing pitching moment
- 10 degrees AoA shift changed to 20 degrees AoA, will just extend it out a bit with the same moment arm shift at that point as it was at 10 degrees AoA previously
- 25 degrees AoA shift changed to 45 degrees AoA and adjusted to instead shift in (0.0 → 0.015), reducing pitching moment past 20 degrees AoA
- wing adjustments:
- [16:07]
- J-11, J-11A, J-11B, Su-27, Su-27SM, Su-33, Su-34: made more prone to wing stalls when at high AoA (loss of Cl in a spin 0.03 → 0.1)
- MiG-29 (9-12A) [DEU], MiG-29 (9-12B) [ITA], MiG-29G, MiG-29 (9-13):
- added maneuverability mode
- will begin working from below 720-700 km/h IAS or M0.51-M0.5
- wing adjustments:
- made much more prone to wing stalls when at high AoA (loss of Cl in a spin 0.04 → 0.3, loss of Cd in a spin 0.14 → 0.12)
- wing moment arm shifts slightly further out at and past 35 degrees AoA (-0.08 → -0.14), increasing pitching moment
- wing, 0% flap deployment:
- moment arm shift by Mach adjustments:
- will now shift slightly farther out from M0 ([0, -0.03] → [0, -0.04]), slightly increasing pitching moment
- will now shift slightly farther out at M0.4 ([0, -0.04] → [0, -0.05]), slightly increasing pitching moment, but will continue as normal past M0.75
- moment arm shift by Mach adjustments:
- wing, 100% flap deployment:
- moment arm shift by Mach adjustments:
- will now shift slightly farther out from M0 ([0, 0] → [0, 0.01]), slightly decreasing pitching moment
- will now shift slightly farther out at M0.5 ([0, 0.02] → [0, 0.01]), slightly decreasing pitching moment, but will continue as normal past M0.75
- moment arm shift by Mach adjustments:
- added maneuverability mode
- Rafale C:
- added maneuverability mode
- will begin working from below 720-700 km/h IAS or M0.51-M0.5
- wing adjustments:
- made less prone to wing stalls when at high AoA (loss of Cd in a spin 0.07 → 0.04)
- moment arm shifts by AoA adjusted:
- will now be shifted slightly farther out at -10 degrees AoA (0.01->0.005), slightly increasing pitching moment
- will now be shifted farther out at 5 degrees AoA (0.02->0.005), increasing pitching moment
- will now be shifted slightly farther out at 10 degrees AoA (0.01->0.005), slightly increasing pitching moment
- added maneuverability mode
- [16:07]
- will now be shifted farther in at 20 degrees AoA (-0.01->0.02), decreasing pitching moment
- added another step at 40+ degrees AoA, shifting farther in (previously would’ve been at -0.01 at this AoA, now will shift in by 0.03), decreasing pitching moment
- wing, 0% flap deployment:
- moment arm shift by Mach adjustments:
- will now shift slightly in from M0.3 ([0, 0] → [0, 0.005]), very slightly increasing pitching moment
- will now shift slightly farther out at M0.6 ([0, -0.04] → [0.02, 0.012]), slightly increasing pitching moment, but will continue as normal past M0.8
- moment arm shift by Mach adjustments:
- wing, 100% flap deployment:
- moment arm shift by Mach adjustments:
- will now shift slightly in from M0.3 ([0, 0] → [0, 0.005]), very slightly increasing pitching moment
- will now shift slightly farther out at M0.6 ([0, -0.04] → [0.02, 0.012]), slightly increasing pitching moment, but will continue as normal past M0.8
- moment arm shift by Mach adjustments:
- Mach rip speed increased from 1.9 to 2.0
- aileron angles controller adjustments:
- will now deflect slightly less from 0-400 km/h at 10000 m
- will now deflect slightly less from 0-400 km/h at 1000 m
- increased sensitivity multiplier at M0.3 (1.2 → 1.5) and M0.4 (1.0 → 1.2), increasing rolling moment and aileron effectiveness, but will be the same as previously past M0.8
- elevator angles controller sensitivity multiplier at M0.2 decreased (1.39 → 1.0), decreasing pitching moment and elevator effectiveness below and at that speed, but will be the same as previously past M0.3
- J 35A, J 35D, Saab 35 S (“J 35XS”):
- added maneuverability mode
- will begin working from below 720-700 km/h IAS or M0.51-M0.5
- wing adjustments:
- made slightly more prone to wing stalls when at high AoA (loss of Cd in a spin 0 → 0.05)
- added variable moment arm shifts by AoA, will now have increased pitching moment due to moment arm shift from 0-20 degrees AoA
- added maneuverability mode
- [16:07]
- JAS 39A, B.Kh.20 (“JAS 39C”) [JPN], Gripen C [GBR], JAS 39C, JAS 39C EBS HU:
- added maneuverability mode
- will begin working from below 720-700 km/h IAS or M0.51-M0.5
- wing adjustments:
- made more prone to wing stalls when at high AoA (loss of Cl in a spin 0.01 → 0.06, loss of Cl in a spin 0.01 → 0.07)
- moment arm shifts by AoA adjusted:
- will now be shifted slightly farther out at -10 degrees AoA (0.01->0.0), slightly increasing pitching moment
- will now be shifted slightly farther out at 0 degrees AoA (0.0->-0.01), slightly increasing pitching moment
- will now be shifted slightly farther out at 5 degrees AoA (0.01->-0.02), slightly increasing pitching moment
- 10 degrees AoA shift stage changed to 20 degrees, will now be shifted farther out past 10 degrees AoA (0.01 @ 10 deg → -0.015 @ 20 deg), increasing pitching moment
- 25 degrees AoA shift stage changed to 40 degrees, will now be shifted in past 45 degrees AoA (-0.01 @ 25 deg → 0.02 @ 45 deg), leading to decreased pitching moment
- wing, 0% flap deployment:
- moment arm shift by Mach adjustments:
- will now shift farther out from M0.3 ([0, 0.04] → [-0.01, 0.01]), increasing pitching moment
- will now shift slightly farther out at M0.6 ([0, 0.05] → [-0.01, 0.03]), slightly increasing pitching moment, but will continue as normal past M0.8
- moment arm shift by Mach adjustments:
- added maneuverability mode
- [16:08]
- wing, 100% flap deployment:
- moment arm shift by Mach adjustments:
- will now shift farther out from M0.3 ([0, 0.04] → [0.01, 0.01]), increasing pitching moment
- will now shift slightly farther out at M0.6 ([0, 0.05] → [0.01, 0.03]), slightly increasing pitching moment, but will continue as normal past M0.8
- moment arm shift by Mach adjustments:
- wing, 100% flap deployment:
- Su-30SM:
- made more prone to wing stalls when at high AoA (loss of Cl in a spin 0.03 → 0.1)
- wing, 0% flap deployment Oswald’s efficiency number increased from 0.47 to 0.54, leading to increased retention and increased sustained turn rates
- [16:09]
- A-200C (“Italian IDS-Tornado MLU”) (RET.8):
- internal fuel tanks 1, 2 and 3 made self-sealing Aircraft weapon changes:
- A-200C (“Italian IDS-Tornado MLU”) (RET.8): custom loadout changes:
- slot 4 changed:
- option changed: 1x 500 lbs GBU-38(V)1/B: it can no longer be equipped together with: 1x 1000 lbs GP Mk. 83 (stock) on slot 5, 2x 1000 lbs GP Mk. 83 (stock) on slot 5, 1x 1000 lbs GP Mk. 83 Mod. 1 (BSU-85) (stock) on slot 5, 2x 1000 lbs GP Mk. 83 Mod. 1 (BSU-85) (stock) on slot 5, 1x 500 lbs GBU-54(V)1/B on slot 5
- option changed: 1x 1000 lbs GBU-32(V)1/B: it can no longer be equipped together with: 1x 1000 lbs GP Mk. 83 (stock) on slot 5, 2x 1000 lbs GP Mk. 83 (stock) on slot 5, 1x 1000 lbs GP Mk. 83 Mod. 1 (BSU-85) (stock) on slot 5, 2x 1000 lbs GP Mk. 83 Mod. 1 (BSU-85) (stock) on slot 5, 1x 500 lbs GBU-54(V)1/B on slot 5
- option changed: 4x 250 lbs GBU-39A/B: it can no longer be equipped together with: 1x 500 lbs GBU-54(V)1/B on slot 5
- slot 8 changed:
- option changed: 1x 500 lbs GBU-38(V)1/B: it can no longer be equipped together with: 1x 1000 lbs GP Mk. 83 (stock) on slot 7, 2x 1000 lbs GP Mk. 83 (stock) on slot 7, 1x 1000 lbs GP Mk. 83 Mod. 1 (BSU-85) (stock) on slot 7, 2x 1000 lbs GP Mk. 83 Mod. 1 (BSU-85) (stock) on slot 7
- option changed: 1x 1000 lbs GBU-32(V)1/B: it can no longer be equipped together with: 1x 1000 lbs GP Mk. 83 (stock) on slot 7, 2x 1000 lbs GP Mk. 83 (stock) on slot 7, 1x 1000 lbs GP Mk. 83 Mod. 1 (BSU-85) (stock) on slot 7, 2x 1000 lbs GP Mk. 83 Mod. 1 (BSU-85) (stock) on slot 7
- option changed: 1x LITENING II (stock): it can no longer be equipped together with: 1x 1000 lbs GP Mk. 83 (stock) on slot 7, 2x 1000 lbs GP Mk. 83 (stock) on slot 7, 1x 1000 lbs GP Mk. 83 Mod. 1 (BSU-85) (stock) on slot 7, 2x 1000 lbs GP Mk. 83 Mod. 1 (BSU-85) (stock) on slot 7
- slot 4 changed:
- [16:09]
- F/A-18A:
- loadout changes:
- 6x AIM-7F → 4x AIM-7F
- 6x AIM-7M → 4x AIM-7M
- custom loadout changes: slots 3, 7 changed:
- removed 1x AIM-7F option
- removed 1x AIM-7M option
- loadout changes:
- F/A-18C (late):
- new loadout(s): 8x 500 lbs GBU-54(V)2/B
- custom loadout changes: slots 2, 3, 7, 8 changed:
- added 1x 500 lbs GBU-54(V)2/B option
- added 2x 500 lbs GBU-54(V)2/B option
- Harrier T. Mk. 10:
- new loadout(s): 2x 25 mm ADEN 25 + 3x AIM-9L + 216x Large chaff-only countermeasures
- loadout changes:
- 1x 25 mm ADEN 25 + 7x 540 lbs M.C. Mk. 1 + 1x TIALD → 1x 25 mm ADEN 25 + 7x 540 lbs M.C. Mk. 1 + 2x AIM-9L + 1x TIALD
- 1x 25 mm ADEN 25 + 7x 540 lbs M.C. Mk. 1 (No. 118) + 1x TIALD → 1x 25 mm ADEN 25 + 7x 540 lbs M.C. Mk. 1 (No. 118) + 2x AIM-9L + 1x TIALD
- 2x 25 mm ADEN 25 + 114x CRV-7 (M247) → 2x 25 mm ADEN 25 + 2x AIM-9L + 114x CRV-7 (M247)
- 2x 25 mm ADEN 25 + 108x SNEB Type 23 → 2x 25 mm ADEN 25 + 2x AIM-9L + 108x SNEB Type 23
- custom loadout changes: slot 1 changed: added 216x Large chaff-only countermeasures option
- J-11B:
- new loadout(s): 6x 500 kg GB500 (GB1) + 1x K/JDC03A
- custom loadout changes: slots 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 changed:
- added 1x 500 kg GB500 (GB1) option, has to be equipped together with 1x K/JDC03A on slot 7
- option changed: 1x 250 kg GB250 (GB3):
- added modification requirement: 250 kg GB250 (GB3)
- removed modification requirement: KAB-L Sensor changes:
- the new AN/MPQ-50 and AN/MPQ-61 (HAWK) and RSN-75 (S-75) can no longer be identified by anything
- [16:09]
- 1RS2 (72V6 (“Pantsir-S1”)) identification changes:
- ALR-400 (JF-17, Tigre HAC, Tigre HAD/E B1, Tigre HAD/F B1, Tigre HAD/F B2, Tigre HAP/F, UH Tiger), AN/ALR-68(V)3 (F-4F KWS-LV), L-150-30SM (Su-30SM): J10 and S1 → 2S6 and S1
- L-150-16M (Su-25SM3), L-150-34 (Su-34 NVO): J10, S1 and С1 → 2S6, 2С6, S1 and С1
- Praetorian DASS (Eurofighter [DEU], F-2000A, Typhoon F.G.R. Mk. 4), Sky Guardian 200 (B.KhL.1K (“AV-8S (early)”), B.KhL.1K (“AV-8S (late)”)): J10, S1 and SA22 → 2S6, S1, SA19 and SA22 Ground changes:
- 2S19M1:
- empty mass: 41700 → 41200 kg
- full mass: 43000 → 42500 kg
- 2S19M2:
- empty mass: 41900 → 41400 kg
- full mass: 43200 → 42700 kg
- Chi Ri: 37 mm ammo merged into larger chunks
- Type 74 TK (C) “Red Star”: cannon vertical limits:
- between horizontal -173° and -170°: 2° / 9° → 4° / 9°
- between horizontal -170° and -153°: -1° / 9° → 4° / 9°
- between horizontal -153° and -150°: -1° / 9° → -6° / 9°
- between horizontal 150° and -153°: -1° / 9° → -6° / 9°
- between horizontal 153° and 170°: -1° / 9° → 4° / 9°
- between horizontal 170° and 173°: 2° / 9° → 4° / 9°
- VT5:
- turret rotation speed: 30 → 40 °/s
- elevation speed: 6 → 20 °/s
- coaxial MG ammo: 2500 → 1750
- roof MG ammo: 600 → 300
- neutral turning quickened Naval changes:
- Colorado (BB-45): DM completely reworked from placeholder values
- MTB 35: depth charge mounts can now be damaged
- VTB 12:
- crew: 7 → 10
- minimum crew: 2 → 3
- VTB 18: minimum crew for repairs: 3 → 0 Missile changes:
- PL-8B: visual model: PL-8 → PL-8B
- R-77-1: visual model: R-77 → R-77-1 Ground missile changes:
- Rapier Mk. 1E, Rapier Mk. 2: sound: LPC → Rapier
- MIM-146A: explosive: 6 kg RDX Composition B → 4.17 kg Octol/TNT (TNTe: 7.86 → 6.0048 kg)
Ммм, снаряды стали заметнее?
Теперь что, можно гбушки стрелой сбивать в фк??
Т.е. фугасные снаряды массой 1кг пробивают до 20мм брони кинетическим пробитием, а 300кг ракета 1мм и то не всегда? Ясно/понятно.
Если я правильно понимаю, то речь об «испытаниях» на самом большом полигоне, а там у мишеней ничего страшнее спо15 отродясь не было.
Есть, конечно, ф16, но их на дистанцию пуска р-77-1 не пускают.
Все еще слабо
Не, ну ты что, разработчик старался, делал так чтобы было удобно))))